We are American Social Democrats. We Critique and Build from the Left, and Reject Extremism.
Core Principles
We oppose all forms of Imperialism and Tyranny, regardless of whether it is American, Russian, Chinese, or otherwise. This does not mean that Democracies should not stick together for collective security, but it does mean we must wage radical peace.
Domestic Mixed Economy
28 out of 38 OECD Countries are Social Democracies. All 28 have higher Human Development scores than the U.S. Social Democracy is the opposite of an untested concept, and has the opposite of a poor track record. We can take lessons from abroad and apply them here, to make our lives better, while still maintaining what makes the American economy so strong.
Democracy & Social Justice
Democracy is non-negotiable. Racism, Capitalist Exploitation, Criminal Injustice, Fascism, Environmental Destruction, Misogyny, Homophobia, White Supremacy and other malignancies are tools of oppression. We must shatter these tools and heal our ancient wounds via a robust Democratic process.
Innovation and the Future
While we bind up societies wounds, we must also advance into the future. Science, Technology, Humanities, the Arts, and Free Enterprise will thrive in American Social Democracy.
We believe that the American public would embrace Social Democracy. People want change, but they do not want extremism.
Our Movement
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